Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The reason for this blogspot...then me complaining

The reason for this blogspot, my tiny lil space on the web, is so I can get awaaaay from certain people (and to rant/complain/whine about my life). I think it's more so one person than all the others. People look me up and google me, just to get whatever information they can get their filthy lil eyes on, why? I have no idea, to pretend like they can be my friend or like they're trying to force upon me the idea that I can trust them. Well for those of you that do that and somehow find me here, I'll make it easy for you. I tend to not trust people (especially those that look me up) so quit trying. I really don't understand people that try to push me to trust them, by just acting like they're a friend. And then there are those that want so much to stay a friend, even though I have pretty much dismissed them... (I'm becoming more an more convinced that "formers" can't be friends, though I'm not speaking only of them) The more and more I think about these certain people, the more and more I get annoyed. Why don't they just SAY what they want to say, instead of hinting at certain things in the most round about way possible and leaving pathetic lil away messages for all the world to see, then hoping that I'll respond!! *grunt!* DAAHH!!! Quit trying so hard, it's starting to get pathetic.

Why is it that people are intrigued by someone that enjoys their privacy? I'm starting to see quite a bit of my mom in me lately and that is one of them. People distance themselves from her but hang on to every little thing that may relate to her personal life...She's the type of person that twirls in the office and gets her foot stuck in the waste basket...Mysterious? I think not...

So what that I don't like saying EVERYTHING that pops into my head? Has it ever occurred to them that MAYBE, just maybe, I don't want to let complete strangers who I have just met into what goes on in my head, or even that I'm simply thinking "You're not worth my time or brain power right now, have a decent day". What makes people think that I have anything remotely interesting or intelligent to say that they have to pry it from my idle brain? It's not a difficult concept.

I'm tired of stupid people...Is it just my luck that I come across alot of them these days, or is it just that I notice them more?


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