Friday, April 22, 2005

Havin a "Gay" Ole' Time

With extra oreos
Originally uploaded by Raindrops Kept Falling.
Last night I had a rather "interesting" outing. One of my best friends(M.T.) and some other acquaintences went to "The Crib", a nightclub in San Francisco...And, it was Thursday. Which means it was gay night. Yes, that's right. Not only did I go to a club, but it was gay night. The night was pretty spontaneous and was surprised that I decided to go.

The night started off with me actually getting vamped-up in less than an hour which is record time for me. I was proud. Then we had to pick up a gay friend (Clif) of my best friend and his lesbian friend (D). On a side note, I wonder why it is that people can be so bad with directions and giving them out to the driver as we're on the street... How do people think it's okay to say "Turn here" when the car has already passed the street to turn onto? Quite an annoyance.

We finally get there at "The Crib", already bustling with activity and noise, we had to wait in a line to get patted(?) down by the security guard of the corresponding(?) sex. Already, there were some characters in line.

We enter the dark, humid, somewhat malodorous joint, which had one big dancing room floor, complete with large screens, cages and platforms for hooligans to dance/get rowdy on. It was quite a sight. I don't think I've ever mistaken so many males for a female before and vice versa. Girls on girls, boys on boys, girls on boys, boys on girls, unknown on unknown, or all of the above at once. It was just a whole mess of hot, sweaty bodies, bouncing up and down and munged together. Basically it was a display of raunchy sex with the clothes on.

My virgin eyes.

I start to get random people on me and I had the look of o_O?? most of the night because you can never tell what their sexuality was. Then also there was a male with a black shirt on that would not get off of me (and let's not talk about if I had to question HIS sexuality or not...I think I "felt" the message). My friends had to pretty much pry him off and led me away to the bar.
The other people that we met up with at the club were drinking and sharing with the minors and also were caught by security. Luckily, nothing bad came from it.

Then, the repulsive make-out sessions started occurring (This is what people my age do?? Or am I just being a priss just by saying that?). So then, D (the lesbian) comes up to me and says, "Find me someone to make out with!!". I respond with "What do you go for?". "Oh you know, cute guys, cute know, someone like you".


Discomfort followed the rest of the night due to the fact that SHE would not leave me alone. Wherever we went, she was linked to me and would not take the hint. Do I look like I enjoy vagina? Then, the group made their way onto the stage and started dancing...after some time, who do I see? That's right. The guy in the black shirt from earlier, standing behind me, ready to pounce at any moment. No bueno.

Then the remainder of the time that we were there, I was quite tired of the atmosphere and wanted to leave. Mostly because of the mindless obscenities and the buzzing of hormones from every which way. Gay night finally ended around 2:30am and we made our way back home.

On the way home though, Clif had explained his run in with someone he danced with which went something like this, "OMG, this one guy that I danced with had the same wrist band as me! It's SERENDIPITY~ Dammit, I didn't get to take a picture of him with my phoooone *whine*". Then throughout the car ride, the wrist band incident was mentioned persistently. Over and over. And over.

...I just have to wonder sometimes...This guy is older than I, how could there be people like this. I just don't get it. Then I wondered, is there really someone for everybody?? It would be quite reassuring to know that there is on my part, but at the same time scary to think that there are pairs of people like that. Could be dangerous.

The entire time, my friend and I exchange looks because of the lesbian and pea-brain making half-witted comments. *sigh* what a night.

We then drop off the two annoyances and my friend and his friend and I go to 7-11 for slurpees. I was disappointed in myself because I was on sugar probation. It was very refreshing. The we drop her off and the two of us end up at denny's at 4 in the am. Dangerous.

I stare at the flip menu of desserts and stop at the Oreo shake as I always do. It's a ritual. I talk about how much I want one and my friend ordered it without my approval. I had no choice, but to drink it. It was DAMN tasty.

I just have to say though, that I'am thoroughly convinced that I'am not one that will be into the clubbing scene. It seems quite silly to me to spend an evening rubbing up against strangers and never really being able to talk to the people that you came to enjoy the night with because you can't even hear yourself talk. It's almost as if I had spent the evening alone. I would much rather dance alone/dance with someone in my own room blasting the music that I want to hear. The best times are in the car with someone next to you and rocking out in there.

I'm also puzzled by the actions of the people in my age group. The stories I hear from the people that party often are somewhat nauseating. Am I exactly what OkCupid had labeled me as, "The Priss"? Am I missing out on alot of things by not acting mindlessly? I have no idea. But I don't really see what I could possibly be missing out on.


Blogger Tommy said...

I seriously hope random people find their way to your blog. Your stories are wonderful!

I wanted to be the one to force an Oreo milkshake upon you though. Dammit.

If I were a lesbian, I'd want to make out with you too.

Fri Apr 22, 03:59:00 PM PDT  
Blogger keek said...

Well, it is too bad that we weren't able to use that "buy one get one free" coupon for the milkshake...But now it's your role to force upon me the next deadly sin...MILE HIGH CHOCOLATE CAKE (w/icecream).

mmmhm...You'd want to make out with me ONLY if you were a lesbian right?

Fri Apr 22, 06:18:00 PM PDT  

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