Thursday, December 29, 2005

I'm having a hard time sleeping.

Mom and Grandma keep talking about the work world.

Mom constantly complains about a coworker she's nicknamed "Vegas" because she was a Vegas resident prior to moving to the bay area. This woman is 38, finally pregnant after years of attempts and apparently uses that as an excuse to get through life for the time being. From the horror stories I hear, she makes out to be quite the lazy, self absorbed, whiner. To keep a long story short, Mother keeps stressing why she always is the one doing "the right thing", always generous, but seem to never see a benefit in it. She's surrounded by those that are selfish, conniving, and manipulative but seem to get through life just fine. It looks like they
're always gaining something as she always gets stuck with the shorter end of the stick.

I often wonder if it's true that "what goes around comes around"... Lately I've been thinking that that isn't the case. As if I needed more proof that life just isn't fair, it's a bit depressing to think about. I would like to think that Karma would work its magic and give those awful individuals what's coming to them. Grandma believes that a higher being will work it all out...can't say I share that particular belief.

So, if it makes no real difference, why should I ever do the "right thing"?


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