Thursday, December 29, 2005

I'm having a hard time sleeping.

Mom and Grandma keep talking about the work world.

Mom constantly complains about a coworker she's nicknamed "Vegas" because she was a Vegas resident prior to moving to the bay area. This woman is 38, finally pregnant after years of attempts and apparently uses that as an excuse to get through life for the time being. From the horror stories I hear, she makes out to be quite the lazy, self absorbed, whiner. To keep a long story short, Mother keeps stressing why she always is the one doing "the right thing", always generous, but seem to never see a benefit in it. She's surrounded by those that are selfish, conniving, and manipulative but seem to get through life just fine. It looks like they
're always gaining something as she always gets stuck with the shorter end of the stick.

I often wonder if it's true that "what goes around comes around"... Lately I've been thinking that that isn't the case. As if I needed more proof that life just isn't fair, it's a bit depressing to think about. I would like to think that Karma would work its magic and give those awful individuals what's coming to them. Grandma believes that a higher being will work it all out...can't say I share that particular belief.

So, if it makes no real difference, why should I ever do the "right thing"?

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It’s a funny thing. Why do we keep little souvenirs from our past when they trigger a string of painful memories and thoughts? My friend had suddenly asked if I kept writings and such from my past and reviewed them from time to time, claiming it to be a “female thing to do”. Somehow, I was offended or annoyed to a certain extent. Isn’t it true that generally, most of us do keep things here and there from our past and once in a great while, blow off the dust and look at them? How silly.

“Pictures of You” rings in my head.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

additions to my list:

  • shop at SAFEWAY/TRADER JOES/PW (hell, anything west coast)
  • Eat pizza rolls
  • Eat bonbons
  • Eat harvest pie
  • Make gingerbread houses with the crew
  • Haight street shopping
  • Thrift shopping galore

Random and boring

4 DAYS. Lemme just say that I'am absolutely psyched. My finals are pretty much over except for the remaining programming one, which won't be *too* painful I hope.

I don't really even know what I'll be doing with the 6 days that I have, other than shopping around for all the items on the lengthy'll be many many trips to every mall I know because trip to Japan=gifts for family.

I think this paricular finals week was the worst to date because I was hanging by a thread the whole time. I finished projects that were assigned weeks in advance in one night. Not a good idea, but it was done. I found it hilarious that I was sleeping as I was finishing up my drafting final...the lines are *slightly* less than perfect. Last night I fell asleep as I was cutting paper and would wonder why pieces were going the wrong way as I went to glue them down on paper...then I realized I cut everything wrong. I finished my design foundation final around 6am, wanted to get an hour or two of sleep before my critique at 8:30. I woke up and it was 11am. That was the second time that I pretty much almost missed my final...I'm scared that I can't wake up anymore. I seem to go into a coma.

So since I've nothing to do, I will make a list of things I want to do in California:

  • Drive (everywhere and anywhere, even if it means a day trip to SoCal)
  • Put headphones on in the car (because I have no tapedeck or cd player), solo karaoke in the car....oh that's gonna be sweet.
  • Eat Vietnamese sandwiches
  • Eat Chinese at my fav place
  • Eat at Todai/some awesome Japanese restaurant
  • Watch Japanese videos
  • Watch Anchorman
  • Watch Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (again)
  • Watch Garden State
  • Watch the Notebook (assigned to me by Joy)
  • Drink a cocktail someplace
  • Drink Boba
  • Eat at Sweet Tomatoes
  • Celebrate Christmas Eve in the city with Mum
  • Shop for must-haves at Rasputins
  • Shop for many pairs of pants (About 3 of my jeans have worn out does this happen?? I must have a hott crotch(?)
  • Learn how to download torrents
  • Learn more html
  • Scan in artwork
  • Look through all of my baby pics and look for the infamous Halloween picture (Hippo Ballerina)
  • Scan in those pictures (along with the kimono ones)
  • Take pics to submit to
  • Lounge around in a bathing suit
  • Eat some damn tasty Mexican food
  • Bake cookies
  • Cook food..or learn
  • Very first manicure with Joy...Maybe I'll even get my eyebrows waxed for the first time
  • Haircut (hmmm...color?)

Thats about it for my lame life. Too bad a trip to So Cal isn't scheduled, because then I would look like I have alot to do. The sad part about this list is that it's mostly involving food and sitting. What's even worse is that I think I see myself wasting my afternoons sitting at home, watching tv. What's a girl to do

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Does one ever grow out of the horrible habit of procrastinating?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

So really, there are times that I could roll my eyes so excessively that my eyeballs will fall out of their sockets so that I will go blind. Why do I want to go blind? So that I won't ever have to look at another TOOL again!!!

"Hi, saw you online, you look great. I'm an airline pilot, good looking, in great shape, 6', 190 lb, athletic/muscular. I'm flying to Chicago on the 9th, fri, looking for someone fun to meet up with. Please write me back if you're interested" ~From the Meathead on MySpace you see on the right.

Harass him.

I'm not sure what these people think I'am. Or maybe that's the problem...they don't think. I feel like the conditions have begun to worsen with no hopes of it getting better. It's great that this guy is a 36 year old Texan on myspace, looking for a date. I also think it's amusing that these kind of people have only the vocabulary of very few words like: "very athletic", "xxx lbs", "attractive"....

*rolls eyes* I'm over it.