Sunday, October 09, 2005

No particular reason to post, but I'm doing it anyway. I'm just going to list things I did, so that I remember these small insignificant events. I feel crappy and unhealthy. Most of the time I feel like I'm sick and definitely look it. I think I just need to exercise.

Thursday I went out to see Corpse Bride with Jason and originally for Korean food...It seems that around here, asian places don't last long. It was closed down so we ended up in a tasty Mexican restaurant.

Friday I did homework and was bored out of my mind, but eventually made it out to Jeremy's (he's weird and I don't understand often does that happen? And I think I was the cause of him getting locked out haha good riddance) for movie and Giordano's deep dish pizzaaaaa. I was excited because I actually recognized the name and felt "Chicago". Another fat night.

Saturday I was supposed to go out to Gurnee Mills with Maria, except she had class and the times never matched up with the metra...did she not think of this when we were planning this? Coincidentally, Leo was going to the mall and I was able to go out for dimsum and Woodfield to get winter clothes. I got extremely stressed out thinking about winter coats and felt intimidated because everyone shopping looked like they knew what they were doing. I was this- close to asking another shopper to ask "What do you wear in Chicago?". I even got to eat a peeeecanbon. Afterwards, I got to watch Hide and Seek because it reminded me of my summer days getting yelled at by Andy. I discovered Lindor truffles and Instant spiced Chai Tea...dAmn tasty.
Third fat night.

Jason and I are foodies so we talk about food way too much. We were talking about pie so I somehow ended up at Bakers Square today and we ate pumpkin pie. Tis the season. I'm going to miss Halloween and hanging out with the San Hoe-zians...Where else am I going to get to smell burnt pumpkin? I guess I'll have to recreate it in my own room. He also gave me a free tv and now I have the Home Shopping Network. We were discussing my birthday and I came to the realization that I no longer have an excuse to fall back on as to why I never go out. This is a problem. I either, a) need to come up with a good *fake* story of how crazy my 21st birthday was, when in reality I was quietly sitting at home, b)actually do something on my birthday, or c) just tell people that I'm naturally boring (which is closest to the truth as you can get).

I really don't think I'll be doing anything because I don't even feel like doing anything. We shall see.

In other news, the leaves are changing and Akiko is homesick again.


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