Friday, September 09, 2005

on my Friday

Well, it seems that it’s been a couple days. I’m not exactly sure what I’ve been doing and can’t seem to remember where I’ve been. It’s odd that I can’t remember what I do with my days when I have internet/TV/etc. but it’s still the same even when I do something OTHER than being online. Wednesday, I remember that I sat around for a couple hours before the night class because I was waiting for the internet man to come. However- he was late and I had to leave for class. So still, no internet. I rescheduled for today, let’s see how this goes. I also took a bunch of free packets of “fakin’ flake potatoes” from school. It made me sad that I’m truly eating like a poor college student. On the way home, I saw a rat run along a fence. It made me proud that I’m in a city.

Yesterday, I made a trip to the shopping area, more specifically to Crate and Barrel to get some plates and bowls. I figured it was a good time to bring a stop to eating out of pots and pans. To get there, I actually rode the bus AND the subway to get home. I found out that the “red line” is my new best friend. When I was waiting in the humid underground station, an Art Institute student came by and started making conversation. I really think that was a first for me to have someone randomly speak to me (crazies and cat calls don’t count). Maybe at that moment in time I didn’t look so “intimidating”(?) or Chicago-ans are just friendly in that way.

Today I decided to make a trip to Goodwill because I can’t seem to live without my cheap clothing stores and trading stores I frequented back at home. I went to one just down the street…either I couldn’t find it or it closed down. It seemed to be in the right place, along with many fabric/alteration/ghetto clothing stores but I ended up with nothing but an offer for a ride with a scary man that came out of the supposed Goodwill store and called me “Honey”. I foolishly turned my head and made eye contact. I still haven’t gotten it in my head that anyone that calls me “honey” or “doll” or any other degrading name is not worth a look. Come to think of it, yesterday, two guys (non threatening) were trying to get my attention… should I have talked to them? But of course, I walked right past them without even acknowledging them and heard the distant “Garrrrr--!” of frustration from the males. But maybe I saved myself from annoying cell phone salesmen that you see at malls. Who knows.
I walked away from that area and to the nearest grocery store from my condo. “Jewel” it’s called. No Safeway, PW, or Albertsons. Sad. Then I found out that another Goodwill is on the same street and made my way over there. No Goodwill in sight. *sigh* In the process, I found a bookstore on Wabash St. The kind that has a lower floor and it’s a mass of books on old wooden shelves. I like those. It would’ve been even more impressive if I had bought a book, read it, and enjoyed it. That’s still one of my goals.

No place to go on a Friday night. I’m hoping that this feeling of being lost and being alone will be something that eventually goes away. It’s all very new to me…being away from home is very different from being on tour. No one to really talk to or hang out with, so most of the time, I’m alone. Ah, but all is an experience, I must be gaining something from it.

Also, I finally got to meet my roommate, Ashley. Apparently she’s here to pack her belongings and started off by giving me a whole new wardrobe. I must say, she’s a nice person, however, a bit on the ditsy side. She asked how many “minutes” I get on the internet…I guess she thought it was the same concept as a cell phone. Turns out that she was not the owner of all the clothes left on the living room floor, instead, was her stripper friend’s items. That explained the “hooker” style shoe. She also showed me the rooftop with the amazing view and the little lounging garden on the lower level with a great view as well. That definitely made my day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, losing hours just happens. It's an odd phenomenon.

I'm glad you have all kinds of lonely time in a way. You post to your blog more often. =P

You should keep it up with thinking of the things that make your day. It's a great way to become optimistic.

Also, you can turn on Word Verification under the settings for comments and you will probably get less spam comments.

Sat Sep 10, 03:22:00 PM PDT  

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