Monday, September 05, 2005


September 5, 2005
10:10 PM

I went to Target today in hopes of getting rid of my shopping list. I walk myself over there and I get a phone call from a number I don’t recognize. I answer and the voice turns out to be a representative from the real estate office, asking if I was in town, then explaining that my roommate, Maria, has arrived from Florida and is locked out because of disfunctional keys. We met up in the lobby and she was a bit on the older side, very nice, and friendly.

I walked back to Target and ended up shopping around for hours… I can’t even remember how long I was there. I couldn’t get rid of my list because so many items were sold out…I guess that happens when you live near 10 other dorms. It was very much a challenge just to look for a trash can, turner spatula, and other miscellaneous items. I even ended up with things that aren’t a total necessity, like peach tea mix, cereal, and an Edward Scissorhands dvd. I’ve been doing some thinking and have come to the conclusion that if I quit buying snacks altogether, maybe I’ll be able to slow the fattening process. I think I keep buying these snacks because I have no expectation of mom coming home to cook or people to go out to dinner with, so I just settle with junk food.
I also walk to the Ace Hardware store and find myself a pitcher (which I’ am disappointed to say, leaks) and light bulbs to replace the numerous dead bulbs over the sink. Definitely another sign that my roommate is either a) a slob or b) just never ever home. This is also very evident in her non-existent cleaning skills and from my experience of cleaning out the vents/filters…I suspect they were the cause of my sudden breathing problems. Oi-vay.

After coming home, my roommate Shino knocks on the front door because she locked herself out…again. I fear the day I will do the same. Even though I have been known to stay indoors for an excessive amount of time, due to no internet, I actually go outdoors now. She’s been lucky that on both times, I just happened to be home.

Can you believe I actually cooked pasta today??

Tomorrow’s the first day of school. Hmm, what to expect? I’m not even sure how I’ll be getting myself there. Wish me luck.

I miss home.


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